Sunday, January 30, 2011

2011 Silver Spoon Cross Country Race

Just prior to the Mono Nordic Cross Country Ski Race yesterday in Orangeville, I took the time to strip down and have my photo taken with a number of other contestants.

Wheras a number of the younger competitors elicited 'oooohhs' and 'awwws' from the female contingent during the photo op, y'er obedient nibs noted few.

As a matter of fact, one lady commented as she was turning on her Salomen heels to leave, "Fer Chrissakes, put it back on!"

Nevertheless, the day was a success, as I managed to elude the ultimate humiliation of being whupped in the 5k mass start race - this time by a number of 10 year old boys.

Two factors came into play. First, I'd failed to register on time, so I had no bib number and, although taking part, would have been an automatic DNF.

Secondly, I was so engrossed in gossipping with my pal Dr Dave about hockey, the Laffs and Phil Kessels' abysmal last place selection in the NHL All Star Classic, that I'd failed to note the race start.

So, thanking the Lord for small mercies, I subsequently blasted out of the start some 15 minutes later, only to suffer anaerobia once around the corner and out of sight.

Nevertheless, putting persistence to the fore, at the finish, Emily Norris and I played, "After you, Alphonse" until clearly frustrated, she blew by me within 15 metres of the line, muttering, "Out of the way, old man!"

Another successful race, one which no doubt will put me in good stead for next week's 15k Silver Spoon Classic in Deep River!